B&B Pile Driving Inc. offers a wide range of boat lift styles and mounting options. We are an official dealer for Magnum Boat Lifts, but we can also offer boat lifts from other dealers as well. From residential to marinas, we’ve provided hundreds of lift installations, repairs, and maintenance throughout Cecil and Kent County Maryland. Give us a call at 410-755-6363 for all your boat lift needs.
A boat lift is a mechanical device used to lift and lower boats in and out of the water. It typically consists of a set of cradles or bunks that support the boat, along with a system of cables and pulleys for lifting and lowering. Boat lifts offer several benefits for boat owners and the vessels themselves:
Contact B & B Pile Driving Inc. at 410-755-6363 for reliable bulkhead construction services.
Phone: 410-755-6363
Email: bbpile1983@gmail.com
Address: P.O. Box 472 Cecilton, MD 21913
License #: MHIC License #127039
MDE: 033(E)